Our congress was held on 5-8 July 2023 at Istanbul Technical University Süleyman Demirel Cultural Center and at the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics. We would like to thank all institutions, organizations, colleagues and students who participated and supported them.
Our valuable lecturers who lead the sessions: Fatih Kahraman, Oğuz Kucur, Berk Gökberk, Hazım Kemal Ekenel, Oğuzhan Kızılbey, Gökhan Yıldız, Sultan Aldırmaz Çolak, Bekir T. Akgün, Hasan Fehmi Ateş, Fatoş Vural, Hacer Atar Yıldız, Raşit Eskicioğlu, Dursun Baran, Semiha Tedik Basaran, Didem Gündoğdu, Berrin Yanıkoğlu, Evşen Yanmaz Adam, Mehmet Nuri Akıncı, Alp Ertürk, M. Berke Yelten, Semih Doğu, Yakup Genç, İsmail Uzun, Mehmet Haklıdır, Mert Serkan, Süleyman Baykut, Tuba Yılmaz Abdolsaheb, Oğuz Kucur, Güneş Karabulut Kurt, Müjdat Soytürk, Ahmet Erten, Ahmet Güneş, Mehmet Can, Vedat Delican, N. Özlem Ünverdi, Emre Uğur, Mehmet Göktürk'e;
Our students who did not spare their support and help in the congress: Arca Beştek, Ata Shaker, Bekir Okudurlar, Berkay Yamaner, Buse Canbaz, Eren Taha Yüzgeç, Kaan Karslı, Kübra Şahin, N. Esra Çiğdem, Yasin Apalan
From Dekon Congress & Tourism: Kubilay Şahin, Meltem Çakmak, ve Mert Seven,
To the employees and officers of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronics of Istanbul Technical University,
we thank you...
SIU2023 Organizing Committee
News and Announcements
The 32nd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference will be hosted by Tarsus University. Click here to access the conference's website.
CLICK HERE to view SIU2023 awards.
CLICK HERE to access the camera ready papers for each sessions.
Congress Place
Our congress will be held between 7-8 July 2023 at ITU Faculty of Electrical and Electronics.
Program Schedule
Camera-Ready Submission
Camera-Ready Submission system is open.CLICK HERE for detailed information.
Notification of Acceptance
Paper Results Announced. CLICK for results.
Registrations are open for the 31st IEEE Signal Processing and Communication Applications Congress. ONE TYPE OF RECORD WILL BE TAKEN. CLICK for detailed information.
Special Sessions
To access the list of accepted private sessions website at here.
Deadline for Special Session Proposals:
25 May 2023.
Paper Submission Deadline
Deadline for Paper Submission has been extended until May 12, 2023, 23:59.
Paper Submission
Paper submission detailed information page can be accessed here..
We will meet with our keynote speakers and invited speakers who are experts in their fields at SIU2023 on May 5-8, 2023.
Student Awards
The "IEEE ComSoc Best Student Paper Award" will be awarded with the papers selected by the award committee among the papers in SIU 2023.
Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline for Special Sessions
25 May 2023
Paper Submission Deadline
5 May 2023
Notification of Acceptance
5 June 2023
Deadline for Camera-Ready Papers
12 June 2023
Conference Date
5-8 July 2023